We value a helping hand at our club, either for a couple of hours, or a whole season.
Water-based volunteering includes helping with a beach activity or assisting with water safety, coaching our Nippers or gaining a surf lifesaving qualification enabling you to join a surf lifesaving patrol.
Club-based volunteering includes food preparation for the BBQ, packing equipment away after training, providing bar or table service at club functions, cleaning duties, manning our canteen, or pitching in during a working bee. There are also administrative tasks that we welcome assistance with.

Surf Lifesaving is the largest volunteer movement of its kind in Australia.
We are a not-for-profit movement that exists through the efforts of our volunteers, community support, membership, donations and fundraising.
To become a member click on the button below or come along to our registration day.
By becoming a member, you support a Club that supports the community.

Membership is for 12 months and current members will be emailed a renewal notice.
New members can complete the online form or enquire at memberships@psslsc.org.au
Member Protection
Member Protection Information Officers play an important role in clubs.
They provide information and guidance on complaints procedures – they are the ‘go-to’ person if you want to discuss problems at your club/association, particularly if you are considering making a formal complaint. For more information:

Child Safe
SLST takes seriously its responsibility to deliver a safe, fair and inclusive environment for Children and Young People involved in Surf Lifesaving.
The Child Safe Program assists Surf Lifesaving (SLS) in our commitment to the protection of Children and Young People (CYP) from abuse, harm and exploitation. For more information: